Pelvic & Lower Limb Blast Injury
Pelvis & Lower LimbsProduct Code: SAM 1
A model of a male from the umbilicus including either the whole left lower limb and a simulated right transfemoral traumatic amputation on the right or bilateral transfemoral amputations. The model contains the femora and bones of the pelvic ring and lower lumbar spine, tibia, fibula and foot (on the left).
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Lower Limb Fasciotomy
Lower Limb (left)Product Code: SAM 2
All 4 osteo-fascial compartments of the leg, with the muscles reproduced in highly realistic silicone and a dense fascial envelop, in a model of a male lower limb from approximately 20cm above the knee to the foot containing bones of the distal femur, tibia, fibula and foot. Suitable for lower limb external fixation and fasciotomy.
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Intraosseous Infusion (Humerus)
ShoulderProduct Code: SAM 3
A model of a male upper limb and shoulder girdle from approximately 8cm above the elbow containing the humerus, but with a hollowed proximal humerus lined with silicone and connected to an out-flow with a giving set connector.
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Fascia Iliaca Block Model
Pelvis & Lower Limb (right)Product Code: SAM 8
A model to train in fascia iliaca blocks, a technique of regional analgesia for proximal femoral fracture patients. A female right upper thigh, groin and lower abdomen model with anatomical landmarks including a femoral pulse and fascial layers to replicate the correct depth of injection.
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