About Us
Welcome to Trauma Simulation Ltd.
Trauma Simulation Ltd is a Swansea University spin-out created by Professor Ian Pallister specifically to enhance the development of the limb trauma training models produced in prototype form in the course of the MSc Trauma Surgery Programme. The current goals are specifically to enhance the trauma training experience available without resorting to animal or human cadaveric material.
Utilising the novel application of design technology available through the National Centre for Product Design and Development Research (PDR), supported by the development of custom silicone elastomers and special effects techniques with MBI (Wales) Limited, complex and versatile models have been developed under contract with the Centre for Defence Enterprise, Porton Down. These models replicate severe lower limb and pelvic trauma from blast injury offering the simulation of a wide range of immediate point-of-wounding and damage control surgical interventions.
Simulated Procedures
Haemorrhage Control
Restoration of Perfusion
Temporary External Fixation
Simpler versions of the model have been used for teaching fasciotomy, on both the MSc Trauma Surgery Programme and the Management of Surgical Emergencies Course, supported by International Federation of Surgical Colleges, Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, and the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA). The development of economical multiple use models for training in tourniquet application, and vascular shunting is underway.
- SAM 1
- SAM 2
- SAM 3
- SAM 4
- SAM 5
- SAM 6
- SAM 7
- SAM 8
- SAM 9
- SAM 10
Anatomical Area: Pelvis & lower limbs
Brief Description: Pelvic & lower limb blast injury
Anatomical Area: Lower limb (left)
Brief Description: Lower limb fasciotomy
Anatomical Area: Shoulder
Brief Description: Intraosseous infusion (humerus)
Anatomical Area: Lower limb (left)
Brief Description: Haemostasis
Anatomical Area: Throat
Brief Description: Tracheotomy
Anatomical Area: Chest
Brief Description: Needle aspiration of pneumothrorax
Anatomical Area: Shoulder & upper limb
Brief Description: Venous access
Anatomical Area: Pelvis & lower limb (right)
Brief Description: Fascia iliaca block model
Anatomical Area: Chest
Brief Description: Chest wall fixation
Anatomical Area: Lower limb (left)
Brief Description: Haemostasis and vascular shunting